The Sports Palace was built to host the main sports activity during the Mediterranean Games 2018. Palau d’Esports Catalunya, with a capacity of 5.000 spectators, presides the Olympic Ring in Campclar, in Tarragona (Spain), in the interior of a huge garden and in coexistence with the rest of the sports facilities in which the games were developed, and that together with the Palau will be part, in the future, of the sports reference area of the city.
The building is solved in one single volume developed in two different levels. Its dimension is determined by the extent of the central space, which can lodge three 44x22m contiguous courts, by bringing flexibility to the pavilions’ daily use.
The topography of the surroundings of the Palau is modified, appearing a semi-buried zone that contains the functional program (changing rooms, administration, etc.), and that allows to soften the presence of the building in the landscape. This topography modification also improves the thermal inertia of the complex.
The main axis of the circulation system of the sports complex is consolidated in the south façade of the building, with the daily access to the Palau. There is also another entrance in the north façade, closer to the city, with an access exclusively for major sporting events.
The space intended for the audience, located in the ground floor, allows controlling visually the compound and at the same time stablishing a permeable relationship with the surroundings. The accesses for the public, services, bars and press and authorities office are also located in this floor. In the lower level are placed the changing rooms, the administration spaces, reception and athletes control, storage rooms and installations. These areas in the underground floor receive natural light and ventilation thanks to the disposition of some courtyards along the façade plane.
The horizontal structure is composed of metallic trusses of 50-70 m long each 12 meters, with a light curvature that optimizes the section and minimizes costs. The vertical structure is formed by concrete screen pillars connected by concrete rings that absorb the horizontal effort, on which the façade rests.
The design of the facility answers to the premise of being as much efficient as possible including energy saving systems and energy production devices.
“Tarraco” tradition makes us think in the ceramic as the main material, the material which will be the formal support of the building. Used in the floor plane, the façade and the roof, this use in its different versions provides unity to the whole complex.
The façades enclosure is conceived as a double façade, venting to protect against solar radiation, composed of an interior skin that combines sandwich panels finished with a corrugated iron plate, polycarbonate panels and windows. The exterior skin is composed of ceramic fixed blades that are arranged according to its orientation and height positioning. This exterior enclosure confers the building image and at the same time avoids the direct incidence of solar power inside the courts.
The rooftop is solved with a steel mesh system finished with 30x30cm ceramic tiles that form an air ventilation camera. This system is composed of 1,20×10 meters sheets, united among themselves, which lets a perfect adaptation to the roof geometry.
Generalitat de Catalunya
Consell Català de l’Esport
Jordi Darder, Miquel Masons, Ivan Ivanov, Aitor Martínez, Jairo Fernández, Cristina Monjas, Cristian González, Xavier Martínez
Structure: BAC
Technical Architect: Aumedes DAP & Serra & Perez
Facilities: AIA Activitats Arquitectòniques
Health and Safety: A3 Arquitectura Tècnica
UTE – Agrupación Guinovart Obras y Servicios Hispania S.A.U / OHL S.A
Top Proyectos y Cobtratas S.L
UTE – ACSA S.A / Aquambiente S.A.U / Carbonell Figueres S.A / VOP-4 S.A
COBRA Instalaciones y Servicios S.A
Riu Siurana Street, Camp Clar, Tarragona, Spain