03.06.2024 -

Cecil Kemperink’s ceramic sculptures merge her passions for textiles, clay, dance, fashion, and sculpture. These pieces invite interaction, allowing you to see, touch, hear, and experience each work uniquely. Cecil works intuitively, letting her creations evolve in her hands, exploring the apparent contradictions between vulnerability and strength. Inspired by natural rhythms, like waves and day-night cycles, she captures the essence of these movements in her art.

Each sculpture, handmade in her studio surrounded by nature, reflects a meticulous and thoughtful process. The circles are manually connected and fired at different temperatures, sometimes up to fifteen times. These three-dimensional sculptures allow you to change their form and experience various sensations and sounds. Cecil’s works are more than visual art; they are complete experiences inviting interaction and the discovery of new layers of awareness. Each piece reveals unique sensations and perspectives, making every interaction special.